The advantage of engineering steel structure fences is that they can be made into different heights, colors, and styles according to needs. In the engineering rental market, common fence heights can be divided into five types: 2 meters, 4 meters, 6 meters, 8 meters, and 12 meters. Each height of Class A fence can be made into different colors through high-temperature baking paint technology during production, or after installation, promotional images or public service advertisements can be posted on the surface of the fence. This can decorate the disorderly work site and beautify the urban construction effect through construction fence.
工程鋼結構圍擋之所以比其他材質(zhì)的圍擋更具有穩定性,除了和圍擋本身的材料有關(guān)之外還和圍擋的基腳設計有關(guān)。A類(lèi)工地施工圍擋在安裝基腳時(shí)一般采用M10水泥砂漿作為材料,將巖磚砌成0.5米×0.5米大小的基礎,這樣可以確保10級以下的大風(fēng)都不會(huì )將圍擋吹飛。A類(lèi)圍擋租賃的材料雖然已經(jīng)經(jīng)過(guò)多次重復安裝和使用,但是A類(lèi)圍擋材料本身非常堅固,所以并不會(huì )因此而影響其實(shí)用性,所以大家完全不需要考慮租賃過(guò)來(lái)的A類(lèi)圍擋安裝之后扛不起大風(fēng)吹刮。
The reason why engineering steel structure enclosures are more stable than other materials of enclosures is not only related to the material of the enclosure itself, but also to the design of the foundation of the enclosure. The construction fence of Class A construction site generally uses M10 cement mortar as the material when installing the foundation, and the rock bricks are laid into 0.5 meters and times; A foundation of 0.5 meters in size ensures that even strong winds below level 10 will not blow the fence away. Although the materials used for renting Class A fences have been repeatedly installed and used, they are very sturdy and will not affect their practicality. Therefore, there is no need to consider that the rented Class A fences cannot withstand strong winds after installation.
As is well known, the installation of steel structure fences can only be carried out in conjunction with the construction site. Due to the sharp increase in demand for fences, the number of fence manufacturers in the market has also increased. Different manufacturers produce different enclosures, and in general, the size of standard PVC enclosures also varies.
工程鋼結構圍擋關(guān)系著(zhù)施工和行人的,不合理的尺寸的圍擋在天氣惡劣的時(shí)候可能會(huì )造成坍塌,所以不僅要選取合適的材料圍擋,根據自身工地情況。
The engineering steel structure fence is related to the safety of construction and pedestrians. Unreasonable sized fences may cause collapse in adverse weather conditions. Therefore, it is not only necessary to choose appropriate materials for fences, but also to consider the situation of the construction site.
The terrain, climate, and other factors vary in each city, and the required height and length of engineering steel structure fences naturally vary. At this point, appropriate adjustments should also be made to ensure the safety of the construction site
更多的關(guān)于圍擋護欄廠(chǎng)家問(wèn)題或者詳細的內容,請進(jìn)入我們公司的網(wǎng)站:http://www.hzlvneng.com網(wǎng)站中會(huì )有很多的內容僅供參考
For more questions or detailed information about fence manufacturers, please visit our company's website: http://www.hzlvneng.com There will be a lot of content on the website for reference only